Generate PDF Extension and Demo Aia File for Kodular free Download

Extension components can be used in building projects, just like other components. The difference is that extension components can be distributed on the Web and loaded into App Inventor dynamically: they do not have to be built into the App Inventor system, and they can be imported into projects as needed. With extensions, the range of App Inventor apps can be virtually unlimited.

One use of extensions, for example, is for educators and educational software developers to provide extension components tailored to specific lessons and activities that students can use in building apps. Examples might be simulations or data analysis tools. Those apps might be unfeasible to create directly with the built-in App Inventor blocks, either because of processing speed or programming complexity. But those same apps might be readily programmable in the App Inventor framework, using extension components that perform the necessary processing.

Anyone can create extension components. This requires gaining familiarity with the App Inventor source code (located on Github) and programming the extension in Java. Extension components are packaged as aix files. Once you create an extension component, anyone can use it in their App Inventor projects. Extension component aix files can be housed anywhere on the Web. The aix files need not be stored at MIT or any other particular place, although MIT hosts a repository where people can make aix files available for sharing and public use.

Note: One limitation of the current extension component implementation is that it creates non-visible components only (i.e., components that do not show on the designer screen). MIT plans to remove this restriction in future versions of the extension component system.

Extensions in Our App?

No, you don’t get banned from kodular if you use External Aix Extensions. You can use any extension for your app that you want to use


How to upload Extension Aix to Any App Inventory?

First of all, open your app inventory then open your app project in which you want to use extension. Now you have to click on import option from your app inventory which you have to use to upload any file to your app inventory then after clicking to your app import click on extension aix file which you have downloaded from and now import and after import you can use that extension. 

So how to work with extensions when using Kodular?

If you want to use extensions you have to go to the extension category on the Palette.

Peek 2020-08-22 11-18

After you click on the import extension button you get a dialog with two options.


You can import your extension if you have a url from a website or you can import it if the extension is on your HD.

If you have an url you can paste this in the textbox and press IMPORT FROM URL

Either way you choose you have to drag and drop the extension on the mockup of the phone to be able to use it. You can see that in the gif above.

When you go to the block editor you can see that your extension is also there and you can use its blocks like you would do with all other components of Kodular.

If you want to remove an extension you have to press the wastebasket to the right of the extension. Then you will have to confirm that you want to delete the extension.

Remember that all blocks related to that extension will be deleted from your app.

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